Mickey Bliss hopes the Retreat from Mons will give his life meaning. But exactly the opposite happens.
Mickey and Celestine see each other again after 14 years
Mickey won't fight
Mickey is saved by his pals from the Lahore Division
Chicanery in the City of London
The other incredibly important 11th November
Gas! Gas! Quick boys...
Fishpaste in Paradise, but there's no mental respite from combat
The 69th and 89th Punjabis at Gallipoli
Celestine in Russia
British and Germans trade war materials on the Swiss border
The Overhearing War
300km of electrified fence between Belgium and Holland
A shortcut across the desert spells disaster
Mickey's Two Crises
The Somme has started?
Nightmare in No Man's Land
We'll always have Paris
The Mud, the Blood, the Incessant Poetry...
We tell the Germans we're coming
Celestine - addicted to War?
The Last Day of the Battle of the Somme
We won the Battle of the Somme
Prisoners of the Turks
Arras. Bloody Arras.
Mickey's Silent Nightmare
Salonika. And time runs out for Celestine
War in East Africa
Messines: the Gleam
WW1's Forgotten D-Day
Suicidal Mickey? Part One
Suicidal Mickey? Part Two
The End of the War?
The WAACs show the way
The War in Italy
The Allies have Lost the War